Tuesday, May 19, 2009

15 1/2 days to go

Yep. Still on the countdown....and I hate to say it, but it's going to continue!

One question, though. Who's the idiot that came up with the idea of standardized testing? What kind of test is seriously and honestly going to test these kids on everything that they have learned the entire year?

How fair is that really?


  1. Shannon,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I always love to have a new bloggy friend. I take it you are a teacher from your blog post. I SO agree with you about standardized testing. My son is in 5th grade here in Charlotte, and they had for the first time a science EOG. And even though he had fours on his EOGs the last few years, he was SO nervous for this science test. It's crazy to make 5th graders feel so pressured!!

    Counting the days with you!!!



  2. I just found your message on my blog about your prison of fear and getting off the mat!! Please keep me posted about your journey. I KNOW the Lord will bless your prayers and your seeking Him for healing.

