Saturday, November 7, 2009

The lights are on!

Out of 6,000 students who auditioned for the NC Honors Chorus only 160 made it.  Out of 160 students, two of my chorus students made it.

I am not bragging about this because it really is all about God using me how He sees fit.  It is a TON of work to get students ready for the audition, then if they make it, get them ready for their weekend in Winston-Salem....they learn 6 pieces alltogether and have 1 1/2 days to work together as an ensemble before their performance on Sunday morning.  That's where we are now.  It's 6:21 PM and they have been working with a couple of breaks since 9:30 AM.  Tomorrow morning they will work from 8:15-11:30 then have their performance at 1:30 PM. 

OK....all that out of the way, amidst all the hard work in preparations, my moment of glory is seeing my students come out of the first break with an understanding of how music really works, how music and emotions should run together fluidly, and how it really will make a difference in their lives.  One student, as he came out for the first break, he was absolutely BEAMING with excitement.  That is my favorite look!!

I can't wait for the performance tomorrow afternoon.....although I will hate when it's over because I always feel like it's back to the same-ole-same-ole choir that they've sung in for two years now.  But I'm always hopeful that the same excitement will filter into the rest of the group, that they can share with other students their incredible experience singing with the top voices in the state.

The lights are on....for now!

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome Shannon! I regret so much no singing in the choir at my school in Middle School and High School. Although, I doubt I'd have had a teacher as passionate about music as you (or one who could play Phantom of the Opera on the organ Goodluck to your students!
